Julia Caroline Knowlton
Phone: 404.471.6236
Email: jknowlton@jishuoba.com
Office Location: Buttrick 354
Academic Degrees
- Undergraduate study at La Sorbonne (Paris) and New College, Oxford University (UK)
- BA, Duke University
- Institut d'études françaises d'Avignon
- MA, University of North Carolina
- PhD, University of North Carolina
Teaching and Scholarly Interests
Professor Knowlton's interests include Epistolary writing, theory and practice of lyric, theories of feminism, and psychoanalysis.
Professional Activities
Recent Publications:
- Body Story. Ohio University Press. 2004. Creative nonfiction. Lead title in Ohio University Press spring 2004 list. General/trade audience. Reviewed nationally (Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and Foreword magazine). Named an outstanding title for 2004 by the American Library Association.
- The Ravishment of Persephone: Epistolary Lyric in the Siècle des Lumières. North Carolina Series in Romance Languages and Literatures, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
- "New York, New York." Convietuirea: Revista românilor din Seghedin. 6, 1-2 (2002): 156-158. Essay on New York City written two months after 9/11.
- "La Fausse Couche: Failed Potential and the Anti-Enlightenment." Romance Quarterly 49, 1 (2002): 30-35.
- "Filles Perdues? French Literature in Search of the Maternal." (Solicited article). Intertexts 5, 1 (2001): 23-31.
- "Looking Back": Rousseau's Orphic Turns Romance Notes XLI, 2(2001): 235-242.
Web Links
Classroom sessions on iTunesUFrench Undergraduate Program